Dr. Wily: Shadaloo Scientist

Yesterday, I managed to get out to my local comic book store and pick up some of my usual fare: Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe (seriously, if you used to be a fan of the book and put it down, it may now be worth your time to give it another try), Transformers from IDW, and Street Fighter II by UDON.
In fact, I had two issues of Street Fighter II waiting for me, and I read them when I got home. Going through issue number nine, I came upon a discovery that made me laugh my head off:

As it turns out, however, that wasn’t his only appearance:

Indeed, it looks like Dr. Wily has made a cameo as a Shadaloo scientist. And Matt Moylan, who was kind enough to provide me with these images, made sure to point out “the brown hair indicating a younger ‘current times’ Wily.”

While I don’t believe that Capcom will take this as an actual in-continuity factoid, it still makes for a great Easter Egg, and perhaps a nifty piece of trivia somewhere down the road.

Filed under...Mega Man

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